Whale Maiden is thrilled to return to her second season at AutumnMeet!
Whale Maiden founded the Earthways Shamanic Path in Florida in 2001 to encourage people to observe the cycles of nature where they live and to “Find the Magic in Your Land”, then to create ceremonies and rituals based upon those cycles. The Earthways Shamanic Path encourages people to learn to achieve altered states naturally, by going out in nature, doing Shamanic Wilding and by meditating with rattles and drums.
WORKSHOPS OFFERED: "Using Shamanic Wilding to Find The Magic In Your Land", "A Celebration for Dry Season", and "The Shamanic Path Home".
Learn more about Whale Maiden at: http://phoenixfestivals.com/guests-and-entertainment.html
Learn more about Whale Maiden's Workshops at: http://phoenixfestivals.com/workshops1.html