My name is Whale Maiden. I have lived in the suburbs of Southwest Florida for over 30 years, and I'm on the Shamanic path. I'm a Unitarian Universalist, a member of CUUPS, a Life Coach, and am ordained through the Universal Life Church. My Shamanic mentors are affiliated with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.
I founded the Earthways Shamanic Path in 2001. It encourages people to observe the cycles of nature where they live, to "Find the Magic in your Land, " and then to create ceremonies and rituals based on those cycles. This path also encourages people to achieve altered states naturally, by going out in nature, and by journeying with rattles and drums.
I love nature photography. I write for publication on a variety of platforms. Please come visit my BLOG and Facebook page. I have taught classes on Shamanism and the Earthways Shamanic Path, and sometimes conduct Shamanic Nature Treks, throughout Southwest Florida.
I’m presently on an extended Personal Journey away from Southwest Florida and not teaching classes there. The Spirits are teaching me Shamanic Wilding: Nothing is better than getting quiet and up close with the smallest plants and animals and feeling the Hum of our Great Mother and then to turn around and see a bald eagle flying across a golden prairie against an azure sky. Florida is beautiful.
"Share your Peace with Mother Earth, Father Sky and the Big Waters all around us."